Data & AI Persona
Data & AI Explorer
Explorers are working with data on a day-to-day basis, but are not in a data role. They can deep dive into the data to find insights that increase revenue or productivity. They have deep knowledge of the business domain and use that to spot opportunities for analytics and AI.
We customize the courses with your business questions, use cases and data
Data & AI Explorer
Choose the courses that bring your Data & AI Explorers the skills they need to succeed in your organization
Data Literacy Fundamentals
Data literacy empowers you to make great decisions fast. It is the key skill of the future and will boost your career growth. In this course you will learn why data literacy is important and how you can use data for decision-making. You will learn how to ask the right questions and how to form a hypothesis. Finally, you’ll learn about the different types of data analysis and what analysis you need for your decision.
Data-Driven Decision Making with Tableau
To make great decisions every business professional should be able to acquire and analyze data. Tableau enables you to quickly and easily gather data and analyze it for decision making. This course will help you to combine real datasets and make the data ready for analysis. You will learn the most important techniques to analyze your data, including powerful visualizations. Finally, we show you how to integrate the analysis with your own experience and make confident decisions. The hands-on exercises in the course are based on day-to-day business questions in your job.
Data-Driven Decision Making with Power BI
To make great decisions every business professional should be able to acquire and analyze data. Power BI enables you to quickly and easily gather data and analyze it for decision making. This course will help you to combine datasets and make the data ready for analysis. You will learn the most important techniques to analyze your data, including powerful visualizations. Finally, we show you how to integrate the analysis with your own experience and make confident decisions. The hands-on exercises in the course are based on day-to-day business questions in your job.
Data Visualization and Storytelling
Visualizing data makes it easier to share insights and communicate and influence decisions. Together with a strong narrative you increase the impact of your analysis. In this course you will learn the process to transform your analysis into a powerful data story. We will teach you how to create the right visualizations to support your narrative. Finally, you’ll learn to get the most out of your visualizations by bringing clarity and simplicity. In this course, we’ll use multiple real-world datasets.
Experimentation Fundamentals
With A/B testing you can compare behaviour between two test groups, one that has been exposed to the new development, the other that remains with the original product. Successful organizations like Uber and run in hundreds of these experiments at any given moment across different products and segments. In this course we’ll explain you what A/B testing with examples from business. You’ll learn how you can use experimentation for better and faster decision-making. By the end of the course you’ll understand where A/B testing and experimentation can help you in your job.
Machine Learning for Business
Machine learning enables businesses to perform tasks on a scale and scope previously impossible to achieve. Well-known examples are product recommendations, self-driving cars and fraud detection. In this non-technical course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about machine learning. You’ll discover what machine learning is and how it differs from AI. You’ll learn about different machine learning models and you’ll take a closer look at deep learning.
“The partnership with Data Booster is in one word amazing. We can not only benefit from an excellent data upskilling program tailored to our specific needs, but also the communication between our employees and the Data Booster team is great. They inspire our employees to get the most out of the courses and always respond fast – even with new feature launches on their learning platform. That’s why I couldn’t be more excited about expanding the partnership into a wider range of data topics, like Machine Learning and AI, experimentation, and Data Leadership.”
Daniel Bos
Director of Data & Analytics
Just Eat Takeaway
Learn more about our courses